




  • Other


  • SomaMVC
  • robotlegs – MVC框架
  • MVCExpress – 快速简单的MVC基础框架
  • Cuke4AS3 – 行为驱动开发(Behavior-drivendevelopment)框架
  • GPUImage – 一款GPU处理图像的框架
  • UI框架
    • MornUI – 一款小巧简洁的游戏UI框架,带编辑器
    • FlexLite – 一款轻量级的游戏UI框架

AIR Native Extensions

  • PhotosAlbum ANE
    ANE for save image as JPEG or PNG to iOS CameraRoll
  • DeviceFileUtil ANE
    ANE for open file with registered application on iOS
  • DeviceInfoUtil ANE
    ANE for get some information from iOS device
  • Distriqt Native Extensions Update
    ANE package update v1.12! Includes updates to the Gyroscopeextension to report raw roll, pitch and yaw values.
  • NativeTwitter ANE
    Adobe AIR ANE for iOS devices that allows developers to use thenative Twitter framework added in iOS 5.0.
  • Appirater ANE
    Appirater is used to display “Please rate this app” dialogs.
  • Game Kit ANE
    The iOS GameKit native extension allows your game to setup realtime matches for up to 4 players, send and receive custom databetween players, and enable voice chat during gameplay.
  • Device Identification
    Native Extension that provides access to device identificationdata. It is possible to read the IMEI code, IMEI SV code, DeviceSerial Number, MODEL and IMSI code.
  • Contact Editor – AddressBook NativeExtension
    Native Extension for iOS and Android enabling AddressBookaccess
  • iCloudANE
    iCloudANE is a native extension that enables the use of iCloudstorage service.
  • NativeExtension iOS Microphone Recorder
    iOS native extension to the capture and voice recording in iOS
  • ANE StoreKit
    Native extension that allows the use of in-app purchasecapabilities. Even though StoreKit is a framework originallydeveloped for iOS, the extension allows the use of its features onAndroid as well.
  • Chartboost ANE
    Air Native Extension for Chartboost (iOS + Android)
  • ANE TestFlight
    TestFlight is a service that makes the testing process of anapplication a much easier task.


  • Design
    • MarkMan – 马克鳗
    • TexturePacker –一款跨平台的SpriteSheet制作软件
    • DragonBones – 一款骨骼动画工具
    • Spriter –一款跨平台的骨骼动画编辑器,支持Flixel、Starling等
    • Flump – 可以将fla文件导出为 Starling,Sparrow和 Flambe 等框架可用的位图序列+XML(JSON)的工具
    • Drawscript –Illustrator的扩展面板,可以生成图形绘制代码
    • shporter –一款Flash扩展工具,可以将动画生成供其他框架使用的格式

  • UsefulTools
    • DeMonsterDebugger – Monster Debugger is anopen source debugger for Adobe Flash, Flex and AIR.
    • FlashFireBug – FlashFirebug gives youthe ability to debug any AS3 Flash on the web.
    • Pngcrush – PNG去掉Alpha通道工具
    • SWFWireDecompiler –An open source library written in ActionScript 3 for reading andwriting swfs.
    • SWFWireDebugger – An open source AIRapplication for INTENSE ActionScript 3 debugging.
    • TheMiner –Profiler工具,可以结合FlashDevelop实现自定义Profiler
    • PhysicsEditor – Box2D多边形自动缓制工具
    • FlashTracer –Flash调试工具,支持各种浏览器及IDE
    • Swift-Tool –Swfit可以帮助你把图片、字体、声音、二进制数据等资源打包成一个swf文件
    • SWiXFree – Easy to use XML-basededitor for SWF debugging and updating
    • CleanSWF –移除swf中的时间戳小工具,可以避免编译器每次编译往SWF里加入时间戳导致生成的MD5每次都不一样的问题
    • SWFScoutEnabler –开启SWF的Scout调试功能




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